Sunday, March 30, 2008

my Haitian Blessing

What a great set of Lips! Makes you just want to kiss them Huh?

This child of mine is just so cute. I haven't gotten the chance to really get to know his personality, but from what I do know, he is very lovable, and happy. Tim says he is also very funny!
Ohhh that water is cold!
When I snapped this picture, the look on his face in the photo, was totally conformation that he knew I was his mama. He seems pleased. I am so thankful each and every day that I get the chance to love him, and one day care for him in my home. He is a blessing to my family. We all talk about him constantly, and think of the day he is here. We pray for him nightly at the dinner table, and are always on the lookout for things we would like to purchase for him someday. :0)
I have been able to do some thing with this adoption, that I didn't do with the others, and that is fund raise money. It has been such a joy to meet others who are adopting, who are willing to help support us, rather financially or through prayer. We have been blessed through babysitting recently. Last night, I had another parents night out, and it is such a honor to have parents trust us with their children, to be able to do good for others while also raising money for our son. We have truly been blessed with children who come for parents night out who are very polite, respectful, and just a joy to be with. Thank you to all who have participated in this adoption.


Beth said...

Yes, his lips look totally kissable!!! He's just so, so cute! I have a feeling all his sisters are going to be fiercely protective of their handsome little brother!

I'm really glad you've been receiving so much support with your fund raisers. What a blessing!

Kathy Cassel said...

He looks like a real sweetie!

Kathy Eden said...

He is so adorable. He will always have a special place in my heart & I am so glad that I will have the opportunity to watch him grow up.
Thank you for giving Randy & I, who don't have many babysitter options...a chance to go out by ourselves! Phoebe had a great time last night.

Nikki Cox said...

Savy and Seth had a GREAT time at your house but then again they always do! You have one of the cutes little boys i have ever seen. I can not wait to meet him. I am so glad that you did so well with all your fund raising yesterday.
Love ya

megan haug said...

oh, he is so adorable!!! in that last picture he is looking especially handsome!!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

You really have some great pictures of your little blessing! He is such a handsome boy, Sarah!

Anonymous said...
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CG said...

You know, I really think he favors you, Sarah, in the shape of his eyes.

Sarah and Tim said...

You think? He has my eyes? I am totally smiling right now!!! Thanks

Marta said...

He is beautiful!

angela said...

these are GREAT pictures of him!! and i think that perspective, seeing fundraising as a blessing is fabulous! keep trusting in Christ; He has an amazing plan for you!!!

Kristina said...

I LOVE the tub picture!!!!

And yes he has awesome lips!