Friday, September 4, 2009

Double the goodness!

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Son!

And today we were told that we are officially in PARQUET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please Pray with us that

1: my son has a great day!

2: we exit Parquet very soon!

Thanks everybody!


Kathy Eden said...

Praising God for this awesome news & for your precious son's birthday!!! Praying that you get out of Parquet very, very well as enter & exit the rest of the steps at lightening speed :o)

Amanda said...

There's 2 of us that entered and exited Parquet in about a week! :~) So, praying for lightning speed for you as well!!!

Happy Birthday to your boy!

CG said...

YES! Another great birthday gift from the Lord. Praying your son a wonderful day with his friends & nannies. And praying you'll fly through Parquet! I will admit I was losing hope for a while. I needed to hear good news for y'all- though not quite as badly as YOU needed it, I'm sure! I am so happy for you guys!

Kathy Cassel said...

Good news!

Do you go through parquet in Pap? Those who don't use Pap are often through in a matter of days. Pap can be another matter. Just depends.

Salzwedel Family said...

Happy Birthday Daddoo! Praying you are out in lightning speed.

Lena Just Lena said...

wooohoo! awesome news...... praying!!!

Beth said...

Praise the LORD!! :o)