Wednesday, October 1, 2008

just for starters...

I wonder if he's thinkin' "I could so fit in that suitcase."


Lara said...

Ah - what a beautiful photo!

Kathy Cassel said...


Kathy Eden said...

That is an amazing photo!!! Yeah, he could fit but he wouldn't be still :o)

Salzwedel Family said...

No, he's thinking how many ladies can I feel up tonight at devotion time? Love you daddoo!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

He's actually thinking, "Where's Mama Colleen? I need her to pick me up since Papa won't..." ;-)

Love you guys! And, LOVE your little Dadoo!

Kristina said...

Colleen you make me laugh!!!!

angela said...


Lena Just Lena said...

That's a great pic! Several times a day, I say, in all seriousness, "Let's go get the boys, they'll fit in that red suitcase" and "I'll drive".

My hubby just shakes his head most of the time.....

Well, a waiting mom can dream, right?

CG said...

That's a GREAT picture!