Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Please pray with us that our file will be...

RELEASED FROM IBESR!!!!!! We have been in for over 4 months, and are ready to move on! Please pray too that the other files that are "stuck" would get approval as well!

Whatever things I desire, when I pray, I believe that I receive them and I shall have them. Mark 11:24


Kathy Eden said...

You know I'm praying Sarah & will continue but just for the "record"...average time in IBESR is 3-5 months. Cathy & Troy just got out after being in for 8 months. {{{ Hugs }}}

Sarah and Tim said...

Yes, but our file has been reviewed, and they say no, because we are supposedly too young...We need a miracle....

Sarah and Tim said...

I hope that doesn't sound bad, I don't intend to sound so rude. I am sorry Kathy!

dreamingBIGdreams said...

Praying for all the files in there as well! We hit 3 months on Monday.


angela said...

it wasn't rude and we are praying!

It's Gonna Be Me said...

Sarah, I just posted this for Cara. Seems we could all use a little encouragement this week. We are praying for you and sweet little boy!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Kathy Eden said...

I didn't take it as rude Sarah. I know what you're saying. I'm just saying that in the "scheme of things" you're still doing okay r/e time frame. Don't forget about the "God factor." He can do all things!!! He did it for Jason & Amy & I know He can do it for you & Tim. Love you my friend!
Ditto to Colleen's verse. It's a great one!

Nikki Cox said...

My dad always says if your say it is so and someone else says it is so it will be so!!~ SO I am telling you that WE both now he will be home soon! I love you all so much. You really need to stop worring about it~ What is it getting you? NOTHIG besides hairless....Turn it over to the Lord and it will be so!

Salzwedel Family said...

It only takes faith the size of a mustard seed girl! He will move this mountain for you...keep the faith. Praying here...

CG said...

I've been praying for months and will continue to do so. Your son is SO cute. I love that sweet round face! I know it is very hard to believe at times, but the Lord is at work, dear one! Take heart!

Kristina said...

Praying so hard my toes are curling!!!!!

Kathy Eden said...

Can I see that Kristina? :o)

Abbie said...

As you know Sarah, we are in the same position as you with the age thing. We've been in since December. For us it is not so much the lengthened time frame, but the feeling of not making any progress. Annabella is getting so big... she had her 3rd birthday last month and will be starting school soon. They just look so grown-up once they start wearing those uniforms! We too have been praying for progress.