Friday, July 25, 2008

Don't forget.....

Wonderful ribs to be purchased this Sunday, starting at noon!!! If you need directions, please let me know!!! We are looking forward to selling out!!! Currently we are at 20 pre sold ribs, and only need to sell 25 more for full profit! Pray for us, and check back on Sunday night for an update!


Abbie said...

Hope it goes well for you Sarah!

CG said...

praying you sell out!

Kathy Eden said...

Looking forwarad to my chicken! :o)

Salzwedel Family said...

I'm praying you are abundantly blessed & it is a complete sellout!

megan haug said...

praying it goes well!!

Sarah and Tim said...

Thanks to everyone for all their love, support, prayers, and encouragement! Keep checking back, I will update this post later stating how it went!