Saturday, May 31, 2008

Just a shout out to say....

Stay Safe Uncle Mark!!!! We love and miss you!


It's Gonna Be Me said...

Cutie patootie!

Nikki Cox said...

I hope and PRAY that Tim's brother is safe. I will add him to my prayer list!

Kristina said...

did he leave to go to Iraq?

I'll be praying!

Brandy and Troy said...

Too cute!!!

Sarah and Tim said...

Kristina, he left in Jan, right after the family get together. Please do pray!

Anonymous said...

Tim & Sarah,

Excellent Pictures!! He's adorable. I love the one in the crib where he's just kind of making himself the center of attention. His beaming little smile is priceless. All your kids are gorgeous.

I'm done with tower guard for a while. We pick up more local national escort details on the 10th of June. That's even safer than the towers. Of course we're dealing with the fact that we've been replaced by a private security company that's hired a bunch of Ugandans to take our place. I kind of sympathize with all the factory workers that get layed off because their factory is moving to Mexico or China. I won't dwell on it forever though. I'm doing safer stuff with more time off.

I sent an e-mail to your regular e-mail address not long ago because I was having trouble accessing your blog page.

Well, that's the update for now. Talk to ya later.
