Sunday, March 2, 2008

Exceptional Friend

I would like to tell everyone my thoughts on what an exceptional friend is. She is someone who shows up at the hospital to take care of your children when you are going in for emergency surgery. She watches your children, even if it means adjusting her own schedule. She cleans your house when you don't ask. She helps cook dinner. She gives you clothes for your child who is not yet home. She donates lots of stuff for you to sell to raise money for your adoption. She give abundantly. She listens when she is needed. She Prays for you and your family. She does so much more, without hesitation. Why, because she is your friend, and exceptional friend, your BEST FRIEND! This is what my friend Nikki is. She has been there over the years, and continues to be there. Thank you so much Nikki for all you do! I love you and your family.


Kathy Eden said...

That was a really sweet post Sarah. Exceptional friends are more valuable than gold.

angela said...

i am here to attest to the wonders of great friends!!

Jodi Renshaw said...

I am happy to say that I have an exceptional friend too. I simply could not be ME without HER. SO glad you have one too!

Kristina said...

Yes, true friends are a rare find. So happy God has blessed you with one!

Nikki Cox said...

Ok all I am going to say is THANK YOU.... I love you tooo.I know you wanted more but that is all you r getting!
Love ya

p.s. Read my blog....